Why do we use the nervous system in sessions for our mental wellness?  Most of the work that I navigate with folks is moving trauma through the body.  Issues are in our tissues, we certainly need to shift our thinking as this is important, but if we forget the body then we are not making the shifts that create lasting change.

If you think about the activation of the nervous system which one could call anxiety, it’s a felt sense experience in the body-tight chest, racing heart, unclear thinking. Our body communicates with our brain.  We can be wired for fear, or wired for connection. Many of us, myself included can be wired for fear which is why our body is making attempts to keep us safe.

Certainly, the work is then rewiring our body so that it doesn’t interpret experiences as unsafe.   In this section, I will write about what can be helpful to rewire and connect to exercises that can help us feel in a state of regulation.  🌿